What is the difference between a class and an ID in CSS?

In CSS, a class and an ID are both selectors used to apply styles to elements in HTML, but they differ in their usage and specificity.

An ID is a unique identifier used to target a single element on a web page. An ID selector starts with a hash (#) symbol followed by the ID name. For example:

#my-element {
  background-color: blue;

A class, on the other hand, is a selector used to target multiple elements on a web page. A class selector starts with a period (.) symbol followed by the class name. For example:

.my-class {
  color: red;

Another difference between classes and IDs is their specificity. IDs are more specific than classes, which means that styles applied to an ID will override styles applied to a class. For example:

#my-element {
  background-color: blue;

.my-class {
  background-color: red;

In this example, the background color of #my-element will be blue, even though the background-color property is also applied to .my-class. This is because IDs have a higher specificity than classes.

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In CSS, a class and an ID are both selectors used to apply styles to elements in HTML, but they differ in their usage and specificity.